
Insights and tips for the review community


Using The CSS Editor

If you have coding knowledge and want to customize your review widget beyond the adjustments you can make it in Customize -> App Design -> Other Settings you can add CSS code using the CSS box.

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The Best Tips on How to Get More Customer Reviews 2020

Customer reviews and testimonials are two of the most important sales tools any business can leverage. These sales tools serve as a remarkable social proof that improves the way potential customers view your products and services.   Read more →


How The Upcoming GDPR Changes Affect Your Business

Do you know that the way your business handles data privacy and security issues is going to change dramatically from May 25, 2018? The upcoming GDPR changes to be implemented in the EU law would enforce this. Read more →

B2B testimonials

The Guide to Getting Awesome B2B Testimonials

Service-oriented businesses sell invisible products. It is usually difficult to prove to the customers or clients that you can deliver what you claim. This is why you need a form of proof or evidence to convince potential clients. Interestingly, B2B testimonials are among the most common way to influence buyers. Most businesses make use of advertising, but advertising is the least trusted form of business promotion but testimonials are the most trusted forms of promotion. Read more →


The 10 Best Types of Social Proof 2020

Online customers greatly rely on the testimonial, reviews or references by other customers before purchasing a product. This is very important especially with the ubiquity of similar services and businesses out there. Businesses seek customers and strategize various ways to get the attention of customers but the easiest way to do this is through social proof. Read more →


The Positive Effect of Social Proof on Your Business

The buzz around social proof has put virtually every business on its toe to obtain substantial validation from its customers. It is well-known that customers wield the absolute power in the business world today. Social proof gives businesses great leverage and makes them stand out. However, in some cases, the real positive effects of social proofs are not known. Here are some important effects of social proof you might really desire for your business. Read more →


Squarespace Review Plugin Integration

In this step-by-step tutorial, you will find out how to set up the product reviews plugin on Squarespace. Read more →

customer loyalty

Why Customer Loyalty is So Important Today

Customers are important components of every business venture. A business must understand and appreciate the role and place of its customers in order to breakthrough. Most businesses are constantly seeking new customers. But rather than seeking new customers, businesses could leverage on customer loyalty and perpetuate their already existing customers. Read more →

for dropshipping

Online Customer Reviews for Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping business involves selling products without even seeing or handling the stocks. It is an innovative eCommerce business that has helped to explode the eCommerce industry. Several flagship eCommerce retailers such as Alibaba and even Amazon make use of the concept of dropshipping. Read more →


14 Customers Reviews to Show You Why Online Stores are The Best

Online stores have made life easier with its rich and exuberant customer reviews. Buying online is obviously a lot better than buying offline. The ease, convenience, efficiency, and security offered by online stores nowadays make them must-use by shoppers. Besides, international trade and relationships have been fostered by online buying. Read more →

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