
Build more trust for your eCommerce store in minutes

Wiremo's AI-powered solutions let you collect product reviews, site reviews, ratings and Q&A to turn your customer content into sales

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How many reviews have you asked so far?

Make your customers feel appreciated with a personal email that prompts them to share their review on any product they have purchased.
By doing this, you will maintain those loyal customers who are repeat buyers, and also increase the likelihood that other like-minded shoppers will come and buy from you again!

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The best way to handle negative reviews is by replying to them

Show customers that you're attentive to their opinions, and take the time to care. Write replies to reviews from your most loyal customers, and return the favor by listening to what they have to say!

Additional Questions in the review widget

Cutting-edge customer surveys with a more customized questionnaire would offer a more accurate review and eliminate any bias that may occur when surveying only one person.

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Collect product photos from your customers

The professional voice of the customers is your best resource for increasing conversions by 25%. Capture images in reviews to get a real-time snapshot of what customers are saying.

Showcase review Keywords and Search in reviews

The best way to find the right products is by reading reviews. These reviews can be a huge asset in finding keywords and phrases that will make your product stand out. You need to know what words to search for, and how to use them in your content too!

What are the best ways of showcasing your brand? Use keywords and phrases from customer reviews! Additionally, you can check the review sentiment, is it neutral, positive, or negative.

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Review Carousel

You've been looking for a way to make your site stand out? Well, now it can be done with the help of review carousels. All you have to do is sign up today and start showcasing your reviews on your home page!

Questions & Answers in the widget

It's easy! All you need to do is create your own questions and then answer them. The Q&A service will also let others ask for more information about your products or services and have detailed answers from you or other customers.

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Automate review management

With the help of Wiremo Triggers, you can stimulate your loyal customers and automatically reward them by means of promo codes and bonuses. You can reply automatically to the review and open a conversation with your customer. It's true that not every review is going to be positive, but it doesn't mean you should shy away from them.

Automated review request statistics

If you want as many customer reviews as possible, it's important to use Automated Review Request (ARR) statistics. However, the most crucial part of your campaign is understanding which campaign works better. With ARR* stats, you'll be able to see when a conversion is better and adjust accordingly.

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Why choose Wiremo?

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14-days FREE TRIAL

We give you an opportunity to evaluate the widget’s functionality absolutely free of charge. During the first 14 days, you are exempt from paying any subscription fees for using our product.

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In-line SEO

The more high-quality content you publish on your site, the higher its ranking in search results pages - which means more visitors coming through for you!

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Google Shopping Feed

In a world of cyber shopping, product reviews and star ratings are crucial. Google Shopping integration has made it easy to display your products and reviews in Google shopping feed. Let's explore how you can use this feature for your eCommerce business!

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Technical Support

Our tech consultants are available 24/7, ready to answer any of your questions. We will help you integrate our widget into your website as well as to set it up for proper operation.

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Multilinguistic Capacity

Wiremo supports a wide range of languages. It can be used on any website to show users reviews in their native language.

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Share your reviews on social media

Stunning visual reviews shared on your social media will attract high-quality traffic to your store while keeping you in the loop with every single customer.

Other Cool Features

JSON-LD Structured Data Snippet

By displaying reviews and ratings on an organic search result page, it gives consumers more confidence when they're trying to find the best company for what they need.


All your reviews will be 100% safe with us. You will receive quality and helpful reviews that are appropriate for your product. You can edit, add photos or delete a review if it is offensive or contains profanity.

Automatically start a conversation

Open a conversation with a customer who posted a bad review! It can be hard when someone leaves feedback that isn't what you expected or hoped for, but don't worry, we've got your back.

Discounts for happy customers

Keep your customers coming back for more by incentivizing them with a discount coupon for their next purchase.


You can edit as you wish all the notification emails to make them fit your website design. The same is for Automated Review Request, we've made design adjustment steps to make it child’s play.


A very important feature that provides credibility to your customer reviews. Marked as verified can be only those reviews that were left by people who confirmed their email addresses.

Auto-Reply Trigger

No one likes to get negative reviews, but we all know the importance of responding to them. You can't just ignore negative feedback and hope that buyers will eventually be happy with their purchase. Auto-reply trigger allows you to preset an unlimited number of automatic replies.


A great solution to delegate review moderation and other responsibilities to your coworkers. There are 3 main roles: Owner, Admin, and User. Except for the Owner, other roles have restrictions.

Start using Wiremo for free now

14-days Free Trial. No credit card required.