
How to Promote an Online Store, if The Main Audience is Millennials

How to promote an online store, if the main audience is millennials

How to promote your online store, if the target audience is millennials - smart, young, confident in themselves individuals? They are much smarter than the older generation. They understand how the internet works and how eCommerce works. They are no longer attracted by bright advertising. And hundreds of purchase reviews on websites cause mistrust and pronounced aggression.

This question interests not only marketers, who cannot figure out how to manage millennials. This is a key question for eCommerce websites owners - generators of the new product.

According to Google Trends, the level of “millennials” requests popularity in the business sector exceeds 50 points. This means that this topic is extremely interesting for business owners who are trying to enter a new market and be relevant.

We have already written about how to work with the generation of the 21st century. During this time, we studied more than a hundred different publications on this topic. After analyzing all the information, we have a renewed opinion and additional recommendations on this matter.

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Recommendations for working with millennials in 2019

  1. This target audience is very sensitive to aggressive advertising. If you try to impose a poor-quality or morally obsolete product on them, this will cause a negative reaction from the consumer.
  2. Be honest and open. They are very sensitive to deception. They are attracted by sincerity.
  3. They are not interested in quick sales. Each potential buyer will spend some time on your website: examine the product, check competitors, look at reviews and read feedback on your website. Give them an opportunity to get maximum information on your website. First of all, this concerns reviews. Take full advantage of Wiremo. Let buyers leave comments, enter into dialogue with other customers, let them share pictures of goods and ask questions. It attracts attention. The longer the millennial spends time on your website, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
  4. The next generation will always look for benefits. They care about the price and even a small discount helps you to stand head and shoulders above competitors. Remember - the millennials need to be indulged and amazed. Support the customer with the help of Wiremo Triggers. Believe, they will be happy about even a simple "Thank You". They will share the experience with a friend, which will lead to a crowd of buyers. This is how it works for millennials. Give them an opportunity to share the benefits and then you will be at the tops of sales.
  5. There is a lot of information out there. Do not clutter their brains. Give them what they want. Manage website reviews with Carousel. If you catch the eye of a potential buyer, he or she will remain on your website and will consider it for making a purchase.
  6. Do not compare yourself with others. Do not talk about yourself. Let others do so. Encourage customers to post reviews on your website. Let it be any comments, even if it is negative. The next generation loves the truth and they have no ideals.

Remember just these 6 points. They contain a small amount of information, but it needs to be understood and remembered. If you can use it correctly, you will understand how to work with millennials.

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Reputation marketing - money down the drain

Many companies order reputation marketing (SERM) and spend tens of thousands of dollars. If you have an online store, you should not spend a cent on this.

The whole point of SERM is that a third-party company will remove negative reviews about your store and add positive ones. The problem is that the next generation is well versed in all these tools. They quickly respond to deleted review and their disapproval is enhanced. Of course, if you have a brand that you want to promote, reputation marketing has its place. It really works for those who want thousands to know about their brand.

If you have an online store, a good idea always works. If suddenly your consumer is unhappy, get in touch with them. Show other customers that you are concerned about the problem and are trying to solve it. Offer the disgruntled customer a discount or make a special offer. You do not need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on what you can do yourself with the help of Wiremo.

Allow millennials to discuss your store, your product. This is also an advertisement. Just pay more attention to these reviews. After all, you do remember that the millennials love the truth. Let them see this truth and how you react to the comments. We assure that soon you will have more customers among the new generation of consumers.  


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