
Insights and tips for the review community

Unusual review

How One Unusual Review Can Increase Conversion on Your Website

On the popular network Reddit in 2018, a post in which the user shared a review of an unusual product on Amazon gained popularity. Read more →

squarespace 2

Wiremo - Customer Reviews Platfom for Squarespace

If you have a store on the Squarespace platform and you don't know how to start promoting it, try Wiremo. Today is the easiest settable service that has easy integration into Squarespace and many features.

We analyzed the market and did not find a Wiremo analog that would fit this platform so well. Today, we will try to tell you how you can use our service and what it will give to your online store. Read more →

How to promote an online store, if the main audience is millennials

How to Promote an Online Store, if The Main Audience is Millennials

How to promote your online store, if the target audience is millennials - smart, young, confident in themselves individuals? They are much smarter than the older generation. They understand how the internet works and how eCommerce works. They are no longer attracted by bright advertising. And hundreds of purchase reviews on websites cause mistrust and pronounced aggression. Read more →

What do modern review platforms lack?

What do Modern Review Platforms Lack?

According to experts, the eCommerce market will reach a volume of $4.9 trillion by 2021. Annually, the volume of internet sales grows by about 23%. It is not surprising that today this is one of the most promising and profitable business directions. If you are not on the Internet, then someone else will take your place and will sell more. Read more →

wiremo cover

Important Changes to Wiremo Free Plan

To ensure the best possible product experience for Wiremo users, and to focus our resources and investment on this next phase of our product development, we no longer offer our free plans as of May 1, 2019. To continue enjoying the benefits of Wiremo, all the free and free trial users will need to sign up for a paid subscription plan starting this date. Read more →

How to sell products with low demand

How to Sell Products With Low Demand

Each seller has categories of goods that are in high and low demand. Usually, products that sell well have a lot of reviews and this encourages new customers to maintain seasonal or year-round demand.

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How to get more reviews with Wiremo

How to Get More Reviews With Wiremo

Many sellers agree that the importance of reviews in eCommerce becomes more relevant and obvious. But the problem is that customers simply do not want to participate in the life of online stores. According to estimates of various experts, reviews are left by 7 to 17% of online stores’ customers.

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Working case of increasing conversion with reviews

Working Case of Increasing Conversion With Reviews

We tell a lot to our customers and partners about the benefits of reviews in eCommerce and today we want to talk specifically about how to use feedback to increase conversion.

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The 21st Century Generation: How to Work With Consumer

ХХI century in marketing is rightfully considered to be the consumer century. All business participants are forced to think about the client above all. It is not enough to think about what needs customers have and what desires they want to satisfy with the goods they purchase.

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What Makes the Consumer Do Shopping

What Makes The Consumer Do Shopping 2020

If you want consumers to forget about your competitors and go shopping on your website, you must learn to understand how they make purchasing decisions.

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