User Interface is an important component of web design. It shapes the experience visitors have on a website. The UI combines striking visual elements, including transitions, animation, and screen layout. Websites are designed to convey the business’s message to its target audience.
Typography completes a web design and gives meaning to visuals. Along with visual hierarchy, typography guides the visitors through the webpage. This component makes up 95% of a web design.
Choice of font plays a crucial role in building an exceptional online user experience. Designers keep various aspects in mind while choosing typography for a webpage design, including text length, size, and font choice. All these aspects enable visitors to read and understand the business message.
In this article, we will learn about different types of Squarespace fonts and how we can use them to bolster a website’s readability and user experience. Scroll down and see for yourself! We’ll be giving you all the details you need to decide on the best font or font combination for your business.
But first, let’s learn what Squarespace is and why it is used.
What Is Squarespace?
Squarespace is one of the most popular and widely used website builders. Creatives and website designers can use this tool to create aesthetic and incredible websites.
Source: Squarespace
Using this website builder is easy for creative minds as it doesn’t require coding knowledge. Today, everyone can use Squarespace to design brilliant websites. This tool makes it simpler with built-in checkout tools and a custom domain.
Source: Squarespace Themes
You need to create an account with Squarespace to use this tool. Once that’s out of the way, you need to look for an appropriate template for your website. Web designers can edit this template to suit the requirements of the business.
The reason this website builder is equally popular among web designers and creative minds is its plethora of beautiful designs. It is the top choice for building featureful eCommerce websites and selling spaces.
Some of the most beautiful websites built on this platform include Sadie Williams's fashion designing website and Keanu Reeve’s business site. So, if you are looking for a website builder that sets your website apart from the crowd while helping the SEO of your website, then Squarespace is the answer.
Why Use Squarespace Fonts?
As mentioned earlier, typography is the component that completes a design and gives visuals meaning. Your choice of font can make or break the User Experience of your website. Fonts have the power to take a bland, boring or unappealing layout to an aesthetic, professional and credible website design. All it takes is a quick swap of fonts on the Squarespace backend.
Squarespace is a website builder that has been integrated with a variety of outstanding font options. Users can switch to a new font that better suits their website in a matter of clicks. Since hundreds of fonts are available on Squarespace, it is hard to pick the best option for your business.
Source: Squarespace Themes
The best way to keep your web design simple, clean, and memorable is to stick to fewer fonts. Using font pairings is the best way to introduce new fonts into your web design. Go for a combination of two or three fonts that complement each other. If you use more than three fonts in your web design, it may cause cognitive overload and overwhelm website visitors.
Squarespace is built with hundreds of unique fonts and font pairings. This means the user doesn’t have to type custom codes to change the font according to the website’s requirements. If your goal is to stand out from the crowd, you should pick unique fonts available on Squarespace. However, ensure that the font you choose fits your brand’s personality. The right font type will take your website’s design to the next level.
Squarespace Fonts List
Are you having trouble finding your go-to font pairing? There are over hundreds of fonts available on Squarespace.
Here is a list of free Squarespace fonts list in which we have covered the best font options.
- Amiko
- Coustard
- Amatic SC
- Emblema One
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cabin
- Belleza
- Libre Franklin
- Signika
- Parisienne
- Cabin Sketch
- Racing Sans One
- Oranienbaum
- Space Mono
- Lato
- Quattrocento
- League Gothic
- Underdog
- Anton
- Kumar One
- Antic
- Bungee Outline
- Ramabhadra
- Mav Pro
- Lobster
- Rakkas
- Josefin Sans
- Limelight
- Bebas Neue
- Heebo
- Trocchi
- Mokoko
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Gochi Hand
- Coiny
- Trochut
- Londrina Shadow
- Cutive
- Berkshire Swash
- Oswald
- Hammersmith One
- Rajdhani
- Buenard
- Great Vibes
- Archivo Black
- Lekton
- Cairo
- Fascinate Inline
- Noticia Text
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Nunito
- Maitree
- Pro Aileron
- Squada One
- Noto Serif
- Anonymous Pro
- Courgette
- Dekko
- Mallanna
- Yeseva One
- Advent
- Tensor Sans
- Montserrat
- Carter One
- Courier Prime
- Ovo
- Vampira One
- Chewy
- Gruppo
- Cuprum
- Mirza
- Sriracha
- Noto Sans
- Redressed
- Belgrano
- Lancelot
- Megrim
- Sacramento
- Radley
- Wallter Turncoat
- Merriweather Sans
- Alice Alike
- Quando
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Bree Serif
- Asset
- Chicken Script
- Black Ops One
- Coming Soon
- Questrial
- Alef
- Exo
- Cormorant SC
- Yara One
- Bitter
- Raleway Dots
- Grand Hotel
- Mogra
- Quicksand
- Fira Sans
- Satisfy
- Kumar One Outline
- Cagliostro
- Erica One
- Bangers
- Yannone Kaffeestaz
- Dosis
- Monda
- Rubik One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Antic Didone
- Rokkit
- Josefin Slab
- Wellfleet
- Euphoria Script
- Crushed
- Hero Van Muellerhoff
- Playfair Display
- Roboto Mono
- Freckle Face
- League Script
- Open Sans
- Allura
- Asap
- Ropa Sans
- Titillium Web
- Martel Sans
- Andika
- Libre Baskerville
- Suranna
- Glass Antiqua
- Suez one
- Volkhorn
- Kite One
- Graduate
- Diplomata SC
- Assistant
- Merriweather
- Podkova
- Dr. Sugiyama
- PT Sans
- Lilita One
- Sanchez
- Rasa
- Caveat Brush
- Muli
- ABeeZee
- Farmhand Sans
- Amaranth
- Rufina
- Oregano
- Rozha One
- Unna
- Contrail One
- Arimo
- Lemonada
- Playfair Display SC
- Roboto
- Kalam
- Chango
- Allerta Stencil
- Prata
- Pacifico
- Luckiest Guy
- Duru Sans
- Forum
- Lustria
- Comfortaa Light
- Lalezar
- Athiti
- Sigmar One
- Yellowtail
- Over The Rainbow
- Raleway
- Droid Serif
- Yesteryear
- Six Caps
- Sniglet
- Source Sans Pro
- Farsan
- Vast Shadow
- Londrina Solid
- Michroma
- Kurale
- Caveat
- Bentham
- Balloo
- Karma
- Varela Round
- Scope One
- Cantara One
- Pinyon Script
- Gilda Display
- Maiden Orange
- Cardo
- Quintessential
- Abril Fatface
- Crimson
- Arbutus Slab
- Laila
- Arapey
- Capriola
- Rubik Mono
- Lobster Two
- Sahitya
- Ubuntu
- Roboto Slab
- Liberation Sans
- Arima Madurai
- Oleo Script
- Jura
- Old Standard
- Alfa Slab One
- Tangerine
- Bungee
- Corban
- Kaushan Script
- News Cycle
- Stardos Stencil
- Alegreya
- Bad Script
- Vidaloka
- Crafty Girls
- IBX Plex Serif
- Ledger
- Eczar
- Atma
- PT Serif
- Kavoon
- Londrina Sketch
- Julius Sans One
- Dancing Script
- Cinzel
- Chathura
- Fascinate
- Nixie One
- Didact Gothic
- IBX Plex Sans
- Chau Philomene
- Bevan
- Permanent Marker
- Francois One
- Candal
- Bungee Shade
- Give You Glory
- Glegoo
- Lora
- Passion One
- Ultra
- Arvo
- Martel
- Fredoka One
- Homemade Apple
- Architects Daughter
- March Script
- Life Savers
- IBX Plex Mono
- Special Elite
- Ribeye
- Just Another Hand
- Niconne
- Mr. Dafoe
- Marcellus
Can I customize fonts for my Squarespace website?
Yes! Squarespace is a website building and hosting platform, and what is a website without words? You’ll have to choose a font for every bit of text you want to add to your website. Squarespace fonts are sourced from various creative platforms such as Adobe and Google. This means there is a huge variety for you to choose from.
Even if this looks like a clear plus point, it also makes choosing the perfect font a nerve-racking process.
Source: Adobe Stock
The font you choose plays a huge role in establishing brand identity and how anyone who visits your website will remember your brand. Besides, any major font change is not advisable once you have started using one combination. This is because consistency holds a lot of value in business and goes a long way in strengthening trust between you and your clients.
Can I Add Fonts To Squarespace?
Squarespace lets you use custom fonts you obtained somewhere else or maybe even designed yourself. Next, simply follow these instructions:
1) Click the Design button
2) Click Custom CSS
3) Scroll down and click Manage Custom Files
4) Select your .tff, .otf, .woff or .woff2 file
5) Once it’s uploaded, go to Custom CSS again and paste the following lines of code in the Custom CSS input field:
@font-face {
font-family: 'FontTitle';
src: URL('FontURL');
Replace FontTitle with any name of your choice to add a font to Squarespace. Note down the spelling. Now backspace the text that says FontURL and click between the two brackets. Next, select the font file from Manage Custom Files. This will paste your font’s URL into the right place in the code.
Next, you can assign a category to each font. Paste the following lines of code into the Custom CSS box:
h1 {
font-family: 'YourFont';
h2 {
font-family: 'YourFont';
h3 {
font-family: 'YourFont';
font-family: 'YourFont';
.sqsrte-large {
font-family: 'YourFont';
p {
font-family: 'YourFont';
.sqsrte-small {
font-family: 'YourFont';
Once again, replace YourFont with your font name from earlier. The spellings must be the same, even if the names are simply gibberish. This is how you add a font to Squarespace.
The custom fonts should now be applied as the default fonts for whatever categories you assigned to each. To go back to Squarespace native fonts, scroll down for instructions on changing the default fonts using the Squarespace built-in font selection tool.
How Do I Choose A Default Font For My Squarespace Website?
Squarespace makes changing the default font to a font of your choice too easy. You can input whatever fonts you want to use for headings, paragraphs, buttons, and miscellaneous fields. The Squarespace design suite remembers your choices and lets you work with a combination of four fonts, intelligently switching between them just the way you want.
The defaults can be changed easily in just a few clicks.
1) Once you’ve opened your website suite from the main Squarespace interface, click the Design button
2) Click Site Styles
3) Click Fonts
4) Under Global Text Styles, you can choose the fonts you want to use for headings, paragraphs, buttons, and miscellaneous.
What Should I Look For When Selecting Fonts For My Website?
Fonts set the tone of a website’s design. Since there are hundreds of fonts on Squarespace, it is hard to pick. While picking a font for your website, you should keep a few things in mind. You should experiment with different font pairings before publishing your Squarespace website for the best results.
If you’re unsure where to begin, use the ideas in this guide to help you build your site’s design. We recommend experimenting with different combinations before publishing.
Here is a list of things you should consider to boost your website appearance by switching Squarespace fonts.
Your text needs to be neat and readable. The majority of the text needs to calm and comfort the reader before all else. If an ornate font is used, it's best to use it for one or a few words.
Decide on the feelings you want your readers to feel. What is the energy you want your brand to project? Next, look for a font that makes you feel that energy. Use placeholder text and take your time previewing.
Once you settle on one or more appropriate fonts, place them against all of your brand’s imagery, logos, and symbolism. The key is to understand that even though many things are intangible and sensory, they are real.
Experiment with different combinations of fonts. Once you’ve found at least three different fonts complement each other while playing their roles as a team, you’re all set. If you can get opinions from friends and family, that makes it even better.
One creative way to go about looking for your website's fonts is to list words or phrases that describe the feeling you are aiming for.
For instance, your business may be going for a retro, vintage, futuristic, minimalist, ultramodern, playful, formal, chic, feminine, or masculine feeling. Look at the fonts some of your competition might use, such as retro Squarespace font or just blogs that share a niche with your website.
Once immersed in the feeling, go through the fonts you’ve shortlisted and try narrowing them down to two or three.
Brand’s personality
If you are looking for the best Squarespace fonts to style your website, make sure it goes with your website’s existing design. It should effectively reflect your brand’s personality. Also, it should help communicate your brand and objectives through the web content.
Keep your website’s audience in mind while choosing Squarespace fonts. The following question might help:
- What is the main focus or purpose of your website?
- What is your target market?
- Which age group does your audience belong to?
- Which type of mood are you trying to create through web design? It could be anything from modern and classic to serious or fun. You can use modern, classic, or retro Squarespace fonts to communicate the mood of your website.
Source: Adobe Stock
Mix and match
Squarespace provides you the option to mix and match fonts to create a unique font pairing for your website. You can turn a simple sans serif font into something fun by coupling it with an ornate serif font or retro Squarespace font. Thin minimalistic fonts work wonders with bold fonts. Your priority should be browsing the existing preset pairing from the mixed font tab. Choose a combination that perfectly reflects your website's mood and rhythm.
Source: Squarespace
The color palette
No matter your brand’s vision, you will always find a color palette that goes with it. Keep your business’s branding in mind while choosing a color scheme for your Squarespace font. You can motivate the audience with the use of bright colors.
On the other hand, you can use earthy tones to set a calm mood for a travel blog. Consider branding elements such as your company’s logo before choosing the font color for your website.
Source: Squarespace
What Are The Best Squarespace Fonts?
Rather than scrolling through the Squarespace fonts list in a trial-and-error effort, keep reading to see our 10 curated picks of some of the best Squarespace fonts available.
Work Sans
Goes well with Open Sans, Pontano Sans
PT Sans
Goes well with Europa, Lato
Goes well with Quicksand, Fira Sans
Minerva Modern
Goes well with Europa, Proxima Nova
Prestige Elite
Goes well with Advent Pro, Vietnam
Goes well with Novel Sans Pro, Pill Gothic
Goes well with Lora Bold, Open Sans
Unica One
Goes well with Crimson Pro, Garamond
Goes well with Helvetica Neue, Futura
Goes well with Roboto, Josefin Slab
Key Takeaway
Because so much more goes into creating the perfect Squarespace website for your clients than meets the eye, it’s easy to think that you just chose the best and prettiest options at every point. Even a one-time website author can tell you this is not the case.
Creating on a platform like Squarespace is a lot about trying out everything until you find what expresses your brand’s identity the best. This is especially true about fonts. There are no ‘good or bad fonts.
Feel free to mix and match until you hit the mark and feel exactly what you want your clients to feel when they visit your website.
Remember, having a great font combo may feel trivial, but only until you try using a bad font combo and watch your lead conversion rates tragically plummet. Good luck, and don’t forget to enjoy yourself.
Tags: squarespace, squarespace fonts, squarespace fonts guide