
The Guide to Getting Awesome B2B Testimonials

B2B testimonials

Service-oriented businesses sell invisible products. It is usually difficult to prove to the customers or clients that you can deliver what you claim. This is why you need a form of proof or evidence to convince potential clients. Interestingly, B2B testimonials are among the most common way to influence buyers. Most businesses make use of advertising, but advertising is the least trusted form of business promotion but testimonials are the most trusted forms of promotion.

Getting a B2B testimonial may not be easy. This is usually because most clients may not have time to respond to your emails or requests for testimonials. In some cases, you may even find it difficult to ask for testimonials and you could have also lost contact with your customers after completing a job. Here is a sure-fire guide to get wonderful B2B testimonials.

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How do you ask for B2B testimonials?

Knowing how to ask for testimonials is an invaluable asset. You should start by preparing your clients by letting them know that you might ask for a testimonial. You can let them know at the final stage of the job or probably ask if it will be okay with them. Usually, your clients will want to provide a testimonial if they are happy with the job. Once you have prepared their minds for the testimonial, you can proceed by asking them a few questions as follows.

  • Why do you choose me/us?
  • What is the impact of the work we did for you?
  • Would you recommend us to your friend or colleagues? Or How would you describe the services we provided to you?

You should ask at least three questions. The questions above are just examples but you can ask more questions. It may be adequate to structure our questions in order to specifically illustrate what your services convey. The questions should be able to make clear the specific actions you were involved with.

Furthermore, when asking for B2B testimonials, make sure that the testimonials are personalized. For instance, you can use “us” to refer to the company or “me” to refer to yourself as an individual.


The Right Time to Ask for a Testimonial

Knowing the right time to ask for a testimonial will facilitate the kind of results or responses you will get. For instance, it is more appropriate to ask for B2B testimonials after satisfactorily concluding your business with a client. If the business is still ongoing, you may ask for a testimonial after a major milestone.

You don’t even need to ask the question face-to-face, you can send the questions through email if you have already prepared the client for it. Also, make sure that the client provides a complete or detailed testimonial and not just a series of short answers.

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Persistence is the Key

Getting testimonials may be easier said than done. Sometimes, the client may not easily give in to your requests. You need to develop follow up plans and also be proactive in order to get what you want. If the client is not responding to your request, you can write the testimonial by yourself based on your discussion with the client and send it to him for approval.

Alternatively, you can also create a form on your website containing questions for the testimonial and send the link to the client. It is necessary to properly prepare and word the contents of the form to contain every detail you need.

Interestingly, Wiremo provides a platform that makes getting B2B testimonials a breeze. The platform provides seamless features that make providing reviews and testimonials easy. You can get your B2B clients to leave testimonials on your business through the platform and you can share the testimonials with just a few mouse clicks to your customers or clients and market or promote your business remarkably.


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