Wiremo System Status

November 17, 2018

Wiremo Was DownResolved

  • resolved18:50 UTC, 19 NOV
    We've fixed the bug and made a lot of optimizations.
  • identified14:00 UTC, 19 NOV
    We found that the main problem was in the import reviews process. Because of an unprevented bug, the CPU of the main server was overloaded.
  • Investigating13:50 UTC, 19 NOV
    We've got a lot of reports that Wiremo widget is not loading or loading very slow.
  • If you are experiencing any issues with Wiremo,
    don't hesitate to get in touch with us

    You can reach us via Live Chat or email.

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    With Wiremo you will get and convert customers through their reviews. Your existing customer
    experience is the key for your future new customers.