
Wiremo Email Editor

There are lots of notification emails while getting and managing your customer reviews through Wiremo. And we understand that it is very important that all these emails should fit your website design. That's why we've focused to provide you the possibility to adjust all the notification emails. Below we will explain how you can customize all these emails.

Important:This feature is available only for our Professional Plan and Premium Plan users.


General Email Settings

To start customizing your notification emails, please log in to your Wiremo Dashboard, go to "Customize" (pin 1) and then select the "Email Customization" tab (pin 2).

Wiremo Email Editor


This tab is separated in 2 main blocks:

  • General email settings
  • Email editor tabs

In the general settings you can upload your logo, type your brand name in the field "From" and your business email in the field "From email", so your customers will understand who's writing and what is the email about.

Wiremo Email Editor


Below you can find 3 main groups of emails that you can adjust as you wish.

Wiremo Email Editor


Every tab contains all the emails related to Review Emails, Q&A Emails and Conversation Emails. Here is the full list that you can edit:

Review Emails (All emails related to the review.)

  • Verification email - This email is sent when a reviewer is required to be verified
  • Review reply email - This email is sent when you reply to the reviewer.
  • Update review request - This email is sent when you request an update for a review.

Conversation Emails (All emails related to a conversation)

  • Conversation reply email - This email is sent when you reply to the conversation. 

Q&A Emails (All emails related to Q&A)

  • Question answer email - This email is sent when a user gets a reply to his or her question. 
  • Question verification email - This email is sent when an email address is required to be verified question.
  • Answer verification email - This email is sent when an email address is required to be verified for an answer. 


How to adjust an email template

When you open a tab with emails you will find the related list. Below you can see a screenshot with the opened "REVIEW EMAILS" tab. For every email, you have the possibility to change the subject.

Note:After any changes in email settings you'll be promted to save, cacel or discard the updates you've made.

Wiremo Email Editor


Now once you've opened an email template in the right side of the screen you will see the email editor. To start editing a part of the text from the email just click on it and make the changes. To change the logo or edit the button press on the "Edit" button. You can preview the email after editing and send a test email to make sure everything is fine. You can always restore the changes you've made.

Wiremo Email Editor


Please don't forget to save changes. Once you'll make any change in a template you'll be asked to save or cancel the new settings if you'll try to close the tab without saving.

Thank you for choosing Wiremo!