
How to Setup Wiremo on WHMCS

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Welcome to Wiremo! In this step-by-step tutorial, you will find out how to setup one of the best customer reviews widget on WHMCS.

First, we need to create a page where we want to get and display customer reviews.

1. Open a text document and name it customer-reviews.php

2. Then paste the code below into your customer-reviews.php file. You can change your PHP file name and the name of your customer reviews page as you like, just make sure you named your template name the same as it’s here: $ca->setTemplate('customer-reviews');




$ca = new WHMCS_ClientArea();

$ca->setPageTitle('Customer Reviews');

$ca->addToBreadCrumb('index.php', Lang::trans('globalsystemname'));

$ca->addToBreadCrumb('customer-reviews.php', 'Customer Reviews');





3. Once it's done open a text document and name it: customer-reviews.tpl

4. Go to Wiremo Dashboard, then Install Wiremo (pin 1), type your domain URL (pin 2) and press the "Next" button (pin 3). 

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5. Now press on the “Install manually with Universal code” button

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6. Then in the opened page, under the point “2”, copy the script by clicking “Copy code” link and paste it into your customer-reviews.tpl


Make sure Wiremo script goes through these tags {literal} ….. {/literal} . This way WHMCS system interprets the JS code correctly


7. Now go back to Wiremo Dashboard (same place as it is shown in the point 6 of this tutorial) and copy the div <div id=”wiremo-widget”></div> under the third step. Then paste it to your customer-reviews.tpl file

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This is how the code should look in your .tpl file



8. Now open your favorite FTP software and copy customer-reviews.php file to your root folder and customer-reviews.tpl to your template folder ex: templates/six/


9. Now you're done! Check your new customer review page ex: www.example.com/customer-reviews.php it should look like this one below.

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10. If you wish to add Wiremo to an existing page, find your needed .tpl file to add the div code and Wiremo Script. For example to add it to WHMCS homepage you need to edit homepage.tpl



Thank you for choosing Wiremo!