
The Most Ridiculous Reviews of All Time 1

The Most Ridiculous Reviews of All Time 1

We at Wiremo are all about customer reviews. If you’ve been reading our blog you know that we make it easy for anyone to write reviews in a way that helps them grow their business.

Naturally, positive customer reviews are extremely precious for any business because they form the backbone of your credibility and your product’s image. Having a few dozen kick-ass reviews that alleviate your audience’s pain points before they would even have a chance to formulate them is worth its weight in gold.

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But what happens when you have some customers with way too much humor and you end up with a review that seems more like a scene from a hilarious stand-up comedy show, rather than a professional-looking customer review with the aim of establishing trust and credibility?

We went far and wide to bring you the top 6 most ridiculous customer reviews of all time… and we have to warn you: you’d better sit down for these because the level of ingenuity and humor in them is on a next level!


Ridiculous Review NR 6:

Let’s begin with the following gem, namely a “BIC for Her Medium Ballpoint Pen”:


"My husband has never allowed me to write, as he doesn't want me touching men's pens. However when I saw this product, I decided to buy it (using my pocket money) and so far it has been fabulous! Once I had learnt to write, the feminine colour and the grip size (which was more suited to my delicate little hands) has enabled me to vent thoughts about new recipe ideas, sewing and gardening. My husband is less pleased with this product as he believes it will lead to more independence and he hates the feminine tingling sensation (along with the visions of fairies and rainbows) he gets whenever he picks it up."

We just hope that the customer was kidding and the real reason for this review is that she drank one too many glasses of wine…


Ridiculous Review NR 5:

Next up, a shining example of a very special language book:


"When i first come to America, my english did cause me problems. In Soviet Russia i was strong teacher, my english i know is the best in all of Petropavlovsk. My brother, Mikhail, he say to me, "Nikolai you go to America, they make you rich like czar, take many woman as lover, kill many bear". Then in America, I go to job interview and they say to me "Nikolai, you are not for the job here, you are not the skills we need, your english is poor like child". That day my anger is best of me. It is then i know i must learn better english, so i buy book "English Grammer it is for Dummies" by Mr.Woods. Now i am perfect english grammer! I write letter to Mikhail, he write back "Nikolai, your english is like a god, you will be millionaire soon!”

What better way to advertise a book „for dummies” than this review? If it could help Nikolai, it would certainly help you!

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Ridiculous Review NR 4:

Last, but not least, here’s a review for a totally normal cable from a totally not normal guy who binge-watched too many sci-fi series on Netflix.


"The minute I plugged this cable in, I knew something was amiss. The first evidence? The small wormhole that appeared in our living room, right next to our holstein cowhide recliner. Brad shouted from the kitchen that he was detecting elevated tachyon levels from our Vita-Mix, so we immediately diverted power to our forward Romco Rotisserie array. I recalibrated our George Foreman Grill (about 10 picometers), ejected the warp core from our Dyson Ball Vac, and unplugged all the Magic Jacks in the house. Bingo. No more worm hole."

I don’t know about you, but based on this I would definitely buy this cable…

But what do you think about these reviews? Do you think they can have a beneficial effect on the products they belong to, or people lose their faith in them instead after reading a review such as these? Let us know in the comments below and in our next post, we will bring you the crème de la crème, the top 3 craziest, most ridiculous reviews of all time!

Stay tuned.


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